It’s that time of year again to make some space in your home. Between more items entering your living space, and relatives and friends coming over, you might consider de-cluttering. Cleaning up for the holidays will make it much more enjoyable for your guests and your life a lot more stress-free. Even if you aren’t hosting any parties, these tips can also help you prepare for the new year. Here are a few places in your home that could do with some clutter management.
The kitchen can be one of the busiest places in your home when you have people over. When you’re baking, cooking, and serving drinks, it’s better to have everything to be organized and not overcrowded. Go into your fridge and remove anything that is expired. Non-perishables such as rice and canned goods can be donated to food banks or charities. Then go through your cabinets and find things you no longer need or have too many of. Kitchen tools, appliances, and other miscellaneous items can also be donated.
Now that your kitchen is slightly more clutter free, now it’s time to store the remaining items. Keep things you use every day up front, like pots and pans, so they are easily reachable. If you happen to be hosting and baking during the Holidays, put everything you know you’ll use in one cabinet that is easily accessible
Spend some time in your garage making room. You’ll want access to decorations, shovels if you need them, winter supplies, and other things you might want to pack away once the holidays are over. Garages are often the place we leave neglected items, things we no longer have a use for.
Give away anything that fits this description or, if it’s no longer useful, toss it out. You may want to store the remaining items on shelves rather than the floor of the garage. This will give it a neater appearance. Anything that still has use or sentiment can be put away in a storage unit for safe keeping.
Kids Rooms
If you have children, then you’re aware of the clutter that can pile up rather quickly, between games, crayons, books, and toys.
Think of all the items your child no longer uses. These things can be donated to a local charity or family in need, especially during this time of the year. Anything that has been outgrown or forgotten will certainly be well loved by a family less fortunate.
Some children may be more attached than others to certain items. If they don’t really use it, try putting it away for a while and if it isn’t used again then consider donating it.

Self Storage is another option when it comes to anything you may want to put away for a while, but don’t want to give up. Holiday decorations are especially good for a storage unit as they don’t clutter up parts of your house for the rest of the year. If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your precious belongings, Snell Mini Storage has got you covered. Securely store your belongings! Here at Snell Mini Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at