Having pets is a lot like having kids, only they need even more stuff. They have specific toys, food, and blankets just for them. These days, most pets are spoiled to the degree that they have their own tote bags, and a simple tennis ball won’t do for fetch. They need a designer doggy ball that bounces a specific way and feels good in their mouths.
People invest so much in their pets because they get so much in return. Having a pet is a wonderful experience that provides plenty of mental health benefits. A good dog is a lifelong companion that will be with you through good times and bad.

Having a pet companion is an amazing life experience, but where do you put all of the stuff that comes along with it? In a smaller home or apartment, all of your pet supplies can quickly take up a lot of space. If you’re not careful, you’ll end up with a handful of pet brushes and have a hard time tracking down their vitamins or medications.
We’ve put together some tips for keeping your pet supplies organized. Using some of these strategies will keep your pet supplies in order to help you better care for your pet and stay sane while doing it.
1. Use a Designated Pet Area
One problem people come across is that they try to mingle their pet’s supplies with their own. The pet’s medicines go in the medicine cabinet, the food dish goes with the other dishes, and shampoos are right there on the shower shelf with yours.
Designating an area specifically for pet supplies is a better course of action. You’re never looking through items wondering whether a certain soap is for your or your puppy. When there’s something you need, whether it’s a coat for when it’s cold outside or ear drops to treat an infection, it’s all in the same cabinet or closet.

2. Use Plastic Bins
Plastic containers on shelves or in a cabinet work wonders. They’re clear, so you can see what’s inside of them, and they’re often available in different colors if you want to kick things up a notch and color-code items by category. You can also find a number of ways to label the outsides. Use containers to store treats away from sprays, etc., and you’re good to go. One other nice thing about plastic containers is that they’re usually stackable, so you save on the amount of space you need for your pet supplies.
3. Use a Tote Bag for Toys & Other Items
There’s not much better than a nice day outside playing with your pet. But have you ever gotten in the car and driven somewhere only to discover that you left your dog’s favorite fetch toy or extendable leash back at home? It happens all of the time. There has to be a better way to do things.
The good news is that there is! Find a tote bag that fits in your pet supply storage area and keep everything you need for a day trip out in it. You can put blankets, and a handful of snacks, leashes, toys, and whatever else you need in there. All you have to do is grab it as you’re walking out the door, and you’re ready for a day full of fun.
Just remember to replenish anything you used when you get back home to keep the play bag full of what you need.

4. Invest in Some Air-Tight Containers
We’ve already touched on using plastic containers to stay organized, but you should also buy some air-tight containers for food storage. Sealing your dog or cat food in an air-tight container will keep their food fresh for longer. It’s also a great place to store treats so they don’t go bad and you don’t have a ton of plastic bags sitting around on counters, etc.
5. Buy a Grooming Container
Using something like a shaving kit bag is a perfect tool for keeping grooming items organized. Your dog isn’t always going to follow you into the bathroom when it’s time to brush your teeth. They’re much more likely to have a more relaxed place on a couch or the bed where they’ll let you brush. You don’t want to be running around for certain grooming items. Instead, keep everything in a bag or small basket that can move around with you.

6. Leashes Go By the Door
This is one of the exceptions to the rule of keeping everything in one place. Leashes go by the door because that’s where you’ll remember to grab them. Also, if you have a dog walker or a friend who takes your dog out, then having the leashes on a coat rack or in the closet by the door makes the most sense.
7. Put a Container in Your Trunk for Your Pets
Ever been in a car with someone who has a pet? There are probably toys and leashes all over the floor and on the seats. It can get messy trying to make sure you’ve got everything you need if you’re going to the park or taking your pet to daycare.
A better way to keep things in your car is to have a designated pet container in your trunk where you can keep all of your loose items that will eventually end up there.

8. Look Online for Space Savers
The pet industry is so big that people and companies are always innovating new ways to save space with products that serve more than one purpose. For example, now you can buy combination water and food dish that sits atop a clear, air-tight food container. The container is tall enough so that your pet doesn’t have to bend their neck all the way to the floor to eat, making them more comfortable.
These types of items are always coming out, and they’re usually not that expensive. Look online for pet products when you’re bored, and you just might find something that saves you time and space.
9. Shopping Lists Are Your Friend
These days, it’s easier than ever to track what you need to buy before you run out. A big part of staying organized is knowing when you need to resupply. You can use smart devices like Amazon’s Alexa or Google’s Home devices to make audio notes that integrate with online shopping services. It makes staying on top of what you need for your pet super simple. If you’re more traditional, find a whiteboard or keep a pad of paper on your counter and write notes for what you need to buy at the store the next time you make a trip.

10. A File for Paperwork
Dogs and other pets come with a lot of paperwork. You have receipts from the vet and other documents you’ll want to keep safe. Instead of keeping them in a drawer somewhere, buy a folder or assign them a desk drawer to stay organized. Another good tip is to take a picture of documents and keep them in the cloud, where you have access to them wherever you go.
11. Find a Place for Larger Items
Whether you put them in a storage unit or keep them in the garage, you’ll need a place for travel kennels, crates, and other large items. There are some things you don’t need all of the time that are big enough you don’t want them sitting in the living room. Get creative and use a spot out of the way that keeps you better organized.

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